
Från Svenska Wikisimpsons

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/* CSS som skrivs här kommer att påverka alla användare av skalet Monobook */

/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Monobook skin */

/* Background image */
body {
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#content {
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#p-logo {
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/* Link colors */
a {
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a:active {
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/* Titles */
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
	color: black;

/* tabs */
#p-cactions li {
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#p-cactions li.selected {
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#p-cactions li.selected a {
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#p-cactions .new a {
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#p-cactions li a {
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#p-cactions li a {
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/* toolbox */
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.portlet h4 {
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.portlet h5 {
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.portlet h1,
.portlet h2,
.portlet h3,
.portlet h4 {
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/* references */
ol.references li:target,
sup.reference:target {
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.portlet h5 {
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/* infobox */
.infobox {
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/* footer */
#footer {
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.icon div {
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/* Main Page */
.page-Main_Page #firstHeading {
	display: none;

/* Tables (i.e. sitenotice, Special:SpecialPages etc.) */
table {
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/* new message box */
div.notice, div.usermessage {
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/* Thumb and gallery colors */
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.gallery td {
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.gallerybox {
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/* Capital letter on tabs */
#ca-edit a {
	text-transform: none !important;
	font-weight: bold !important;
/* @todo FIXME: this is ugly...consider replacing the following CSS snippet in the "tabs" section:
#p-cactions li a {
	text-transform: lowercase;

with this:
#p-cactions li a {
	text-transform: none !important;

It should work. --Jack Phoenix <>, November 16, 2010
#ca-protect a,
#ca-addsection a,
#ca-create a,
#ca-watch a,
#ca-unwatch a,
#ca-protect a,
#ca-talk a,
#ca-move a,
#ca-viewsource a,
#ca-protect a,
#ca-unprotect a,
#ca-history a,
#ca-delete a,
#ca-undelete a,
#ca-nstab-main a,
#ca-nstab-mediawiki a,
#ca-nstab-special a,
#ca-nstab-user a,
#ca-nstab-category a,
#ca-nstab-image a,
#ca-nstab-help a,
#ca-nstab-template a,
#ca-nstab-project a,
#ca-nstab-blog a,
#ca-nstab-userwiki a,
#ca-nstab-userprofile a {
	text-transform: none !important;

/* Template:Disambig */
#disambig {
	max-width: 1040px;

.disambig-table {
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	/* IE8+ */
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/** Social tools **/
/* White background on profile pages, which is the default, looks ugly... */
.profile-info /* Special:UpdateProfile */ {
	background-color: transparent !important;