Kategori:Rollfigurer utan röst
Från Svenska Wikisimpsons
Sidor i kategorin "Rollfigurer utan röst"
Följande 200 sidor (av totalt 323) finns i denna kategori.
(föregående sida) (nästa sida)A
- Badgerine
- Bariaga
- Bat Boy
- Bob Belcher
- Gene Belcher
- Linda Belcher
- Louise Belcher
- Tina Belcher
- Belle (Stealing First Base)
- Johnny Bench
- Beppo
- Syster Bernadette
- Big Shirtless Rod
- The Big Spender
- Billy (Homer the Great)
- Eubie Blake
- Boppo
- Boston Cream Basie
- Boxcar Fred
- Ray Bradbury
- Cleveland Brown
- Donna Tubbs Brown
- Cleveland Brown, Jr.
- Mordecai Brown
- Bee Man of Bumble
- Archie Bunker
- Påskharen
- Jeb Bush
- Mrs. Business
- Buttermilk
- Butthead
- Johnny Calhoun
- Professor Gas Can
- Captain & Tennille
- Casper, det snälla spöket
- David Cassidy
- Danger Cat
- Cathy (Stealing First Base)
- Catwoman
- M.C. Champagne Millionaire
- Dingbat Charlie
- The Snake Charmer
- Chop Screwy
- Daddy Claus
- Restaurant Meat Clown
- The Cobra
- Fredo Corleone
- Michael Corleone
- Överste Coward
- Andrea Crowley
- Cub Scout Troop Number 102
- Marie Curie
- Pierre Curie
- Mike Farrell
- Fatneck Sisters
- Farrah Fawcett-Majors-O'Neal-Varney
- Radioactive Fig
- Goldie
- Hamilton Fish
- Captain Flag
- Jehoshaphat Flanders
- Floradora Flannery
- Floyd (Treehouse of Horror VIII)
- Whitey Ford
- Freddy (Homerazzi)
- Freddy-Boy
- Freedom
- Frenchy
- Frink's Robot Dog
- Mark Fuhrman
- Funky-See, Funky Do
- Fågelskrämman
- Birthmark Billy Jackson
- Butterball Jackson
- Tom Jackson
- Victoria Jackson
- Jane Hathaway
- Kathryn Janeway
- Jeff (Mom and Pop Art)
- Molly Jensen
- Sophie Jensen
- Jessica (The Canine Mutiny)
- Jimmy (Judge Me Tender)
- Joey (Homer the Great)
- Jellyroll Jones
- Jermaine Jones
- Josef från Arimataia
- Josh Groban
- Jumbo
- Junior
- Justin Leonard